can you put different size ram in slots

can you put different size ram in slots

Can you mix and match RAM sticks? Its a question we all ask, especially when upgrading our systems. Weve got a great deal on some new RAM, but its not the same size as what we already have. Will it work? The short answer is maybe. Heres the thing about RAM: Motherboards have specific slots for different types of RAM. You cant just stick any old RAM stick in any slot. Different RAM sizes can coexist. You can have a 8GB stick and a 16GB stick in your system, for example. Your motherboard manual is your best friend. Check it to see what types and sizes of RAM your motherboard supports.But there are some caveats: Performance can be impacted. Mixing different speeds or timings can lead to performance issues. Compatibility is key. Make sure the RAM youre considering is compatible with your existing RAM and motherboard. Dualchannel memory. Many motherboards require you to use RAM in pairs to activate dualchannel mode, which can boost performance.In short, you can try mixing and matching RAM, but its best to be cautious and consult your motherboard manual. Ready to upgrade your memory? Weve got a great selection of RAM sticks, compatible with all the latest systems. Contact us today for expert advice and the best prices!

can you put different size ram in slots